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Presentations from the SICSAG Annual Conference 2014

Day 1 Thursday 4th September

Title Presented by

Introduction and SCCTG Annual Report

Dr. Malcolm Sim

What evidence should be used in guidelines - is it the end of the meta-analysis?

Prof. John Kinsella


Dr. Mike Gillies

ICNARC CTU:update on ProMISe/introduction to POPPI

Dr. Sheila Harvey

Alcohol related admissions to critical care: a mixed methods perspective

Joanne McPeake

Results of Research Prioritisation Delphi - guiding future Collaborate studies between Scottish ICUs

Dr. Malcolm Sim

How do I get funding and time to do research as an NHS consultant?

Prof. Chris Packard

Academic training and critical care

Dr. Liz Wilson

Initial results of the West of Scotland solid tumour patients in ICU study

Dr. Kathryn Puxty


Dr. Susanne Kean

Day 2 Friday 5th September

Title Presented by

SICSAG Quality indicators and Annual Report highlights

Dr. Stephen Cole

Using national audit data to improve care: Scottish Stroke Improvement programme. Lessons for SICSAG?

Katrina Brennan

Trainees Audit results - fluid management

Dr. Euan Black

Out of Hours discharges- the numbers

Dr. Alisdair Hay

QI Award - Improving the management of sepsis - Introducing the sepsis six bundle

Dr. Robert Hart

QI Award - Clinical guidelines for sedation, agitation and delirium screening

S Frearson/C Brennan

VAP in Scotland, is it the right tool?

Dr. Dewi Williams

Maternal critical care south of the Border

Dr. Rupert Gauntlett

Extending the critical care audit to maternal critical care

Dr. Pamela Johnston

The last five years: a review of maternal critical care admissions in Edinburgh

Dr. Oliver Robinson

Trache Tracey: tracheostomy safety in the ICU

Dr. MacFadyen/Dr. Wild

The eldery patient in Scottish ICUs: epidemiology and outcomes - A national data linkage study

Dr. Annemarie Docherty